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Voodoo, ovi u Rockstaru nisu bas ulazi toliko u tematiku, jebe im se.

Drugo, na vecini GTA forumu se slazu da je lik Srbin, koliko sam video.Mada ne verujem da ce ikad zvanicno to potvrditi, vise je neki genericki Eastern European.Rus nije sigurno.


Edited by Totentanz

Totentanz = Cold Fingers = OpT1mUs

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da skratimo... lik je balkanskog porekla... dovoljno je :D

igra izlazi u pocetkom oktobra sledece godine za pc... sto je stvarno sranje... jebem im se u zaradu... prvobitni gta je namenjen za pc... a i ne razumem kako ljudi mogu da igraju takvu igru na konzolama... kako jbt bez misha i wasd kombinacije :D

She's soft and warm and almost weightless.

Her perfume is a sweet promise that brings tears to my eyes.

I tell her that everything will be all right. That i'll save her from whatever she's scared of and take her far, far away.

I tell her i love her

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WTF Cod 4 ne nudi nista novo... razumeo bi da si reko CoD2 ili moozda 3... ali 4... kako boga ti da ne nudi nista novo?

i gta iz godine u godinu dodaje po nesto novo... ne razumem stvarno

Edited by ToRNaDo

She's soft and warm and almost weightless.

Her perfume is a sweet promise that brings tears to my eyes.

I tell her that everything will be all right. That i'll save her from whatever she's scared of and take her far, far away.

I tell her i love her

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