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Overwatch - pričajte (slobodna diskusija)


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Ti rankovi brate.. 

Svi placu kako te placement tera da budes 45-55. Odigram placement, zabodem 61. Prvog dana odigram nekoliko meceva.. i dignem rank na 63 i pomislim "Pa sta placu svi, nije tako strasno."  I sutradan napravim epski losing streak i padnem na 51 :)))

Sad sam ponovo nazad na 60. Jebeni kompetitiv.


Ako me ista nervira tu, to je kad upadnem u premade ja + 5man premade. Obicno su toliko retardirani da ne mozes nista da im kazes, i uprokos tvoje 3 ili 4 zlatne medalje misle da si ti kriv... jer zaboga, kako bi premade od 5 ljud koji su na timspiku mogao da bude kriv, to je nemoguce.


suka bljat.

Get smart or die dumb!

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Ja sam juče igrao jedan ranked i na temple of anubis tri lika uzimaju Vinstona, svi hi-level. Možda ima neka napredna Anubis taktika sa 3 winstona, ali sudeći po rezultatu nije delovalo tako :)

Sa druge strane, čudno te i matchmakuje - igrao sam partije gde bukvalno kao da igramo protiv botova (a oni svi 40-50lvl) i ne mogu da izađu iz baze na control point mapama, a onda u narednom krugu nas neko tako opernja.

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Najbolje je napraviti party sa 6 coveka kad igras competitive, nemoj da ides solo iz sledeceg razloga:

Sreca nisam iskusio ali je moj drugar koji vozi kako kad sam competitive mode. Tipa jedna partija izadje mu lik iz igre, jer rage quituje, i izgubi cak 3 levela :D
Posle toga krene da pobedjuje, ali izadje lik iz protivnickog tima, dobije daj boze 1/10 xp za sledeci level :) (Naravno pobedili su jer su imali igraca vise)
A ovo je objasnjenje kako taj deo funka sa igracima koji izlaze. Za sad cekam jos nedelju dana, da se rage quiteri ispucaju da popiju suspenzije, pa cu onda da krenem mozda solo :D

I wanted to take this opportunity to briefly explain some of the systems we have in place regarding leaves and losses in competitive play, and why they're there and why they work the way they do.

When we determine someone has quit a competitive match before the first 30 seconds of game time has completed, we note that the match is now invalid and it collapses after 30 seconds. The person who left receives BOTH a loss and a leave, while everyone else can then leave without penalty or loss.

After the first 30 seconds of game time, how we handle someone leaving a competitive match changes. After determining that someone has quit, we begin a 1 minute timer. The missing player can return during that timer, but if they do not then the remaining team members are now given a choice. Depending on the match situation when the player left, that team might want to play on since they still have a chance to win. If the situation is hopeless, we don't want to force players to stick around while the other team finishes the match. So we allow the rest of the team to quit the match without a leave penalty, but they still do receive a loss.

Why do the remaining team members still receive a loss? How is this fair? The unfortunate answer is that the alternative would be worse. We don't want to create an awful situation where players who think they're losing are now encouraged to do whatever it takes to get someone else on their team to leave. By removing any possible incentive for anyone to "tactically" leave, it also means that more matches will complete normally. When someone leaves, Overwatch is less fun to play for everyone.

To further discourage someone from leaving a match, competitive play has a different leave penalty system than a quick play game. Leaving won't simply reduce your XP gain, instead you can be suspended from playing competitive play. The time a player is suspended time increases on repeated leaves, and in extreme cases a player will earn a ban from competitive play for the current season. Banned players also forfeit any rewards granted at the end of the season.

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10 hours ago, Lucky said:

šta treba ovde škabo da vidimo, da igraš sve gore i gore? :))

dobro de, nije poenta da pokazem moj high skill vec koliko je nerealan rewarding system. Za izgubljen game ceo level .. 2 game-a, 2 lvl-a, dok za win neki minimalac :\

p.s. novi heroj je Ana, sniper support/disabler poyy

Edited by shkabo
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10 hours ago, Pesma-mrtve-dece said:

Hajao! Patch notes bafovi za zenyattu !

200 hp umesto 150

discord i harmony orbobi 4 puta brzi projectile speed

ulti - 300heal per second umesto 200 ... i double movement speed tokom ultija


Jedva cekam! Zasto? Zato sto sa Zenyattom vec imam 70% winrate u competitiveu ! Sad cu da kidam.

Vrlo interesantno, dosta smo dugo pričali o tome u redakciji i baš pominjali da je isuviše papiran heroj tj. i previše bez obzira na njegovu rolu.

ovo te samo nisam skapirao, 4 puta brže lete orbovi, jel si to hteo da kažeš?

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9 hours ago, Lucky said:

Vrlo interesantno, dosta smo dugo pričali o tome u redakciji i baš pominjali da je isuviše papiran heroj tj. i previše bez obzira na njegovu rolu.

ovo te samo nisam skapirao, 4 puta brže lete orbovi, jel si to hteo da kažeš?

Pa da... kada bacis orb da zahilujes nekog, 4 puta brze ce odleteti do njega. Sad leti jako sporo, bukvalno od trenutka kad vidis nekog da je low health dok castujes, dok doleti do njega, chesto moze biti mrtav.

Get smart or die dumb!

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Ovi sve isprave o čemu pričamo na forumu!


Developer Notes: D.Va isn't being selected as often as our other tanks, and we feel a lot of that stems from the underperformance of her damage absorption abilities. So, we've reconfigured her Defensive Matrix, making it more flexible and giving players the ability to use it more often. We’ve also given Self-Destruct a little more oomph, because it felt slightly underwhelming when compared to many of Overwatch's other ultimate abilities.


11 minutes ago, Pesma-mrtve-dece said:

Pa da... kada bacis orb da zahilujes nekog, 4 puta brze ce odleteti do njega. Sad leti jako sporo, bukvalno od trenutka kad vidis nekog da je low health dok castujes, dok doleti do njega, chesto moze biti mrtav.

da, da, to sam i mislio, nego si nešto blesavo napisao.

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In the next PTR patch, Mercy's damage boost percentage is getting reverted back to what it was (instead of 50%). Discussion of the mercy damage boost happens starting at around 10:30 in the vid.

They are looking closely at how Zenyatta feels in the PTR, and will reduce his total HP to 175 if 200 is too much.

The bug with Ana shots giving a friendly Zarya charge is getting fixed

New comic with more backstory about Ana is coming very soon

They have 4 new maps being worked on right now, but note that not all of them may see the light of day

The are working on new game modes, but the first new map (coming "soonish") will have a standard mode

New skins are coming before the end of summer

It sounded like they may want to try hero stacking again in season 2, but they didn't actually explicitly say that

For season 2 they are getting rid of coin flip (I think this was already known)

For season 2 they are also trying to reduce how long competitive matches take, which means you'll probably have shorter attack times at the very least

They are going to add the ability to see ally health bars for all heroes (but not silhouettes through walls). It isn't coming in this next patch, but it sounds like they will do it pretty soon.

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