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About nenoffmanager

  • Birthday 06/06/1997

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  1. BPS Season#1 je tip pay2play turnir, on je ogranicen na 16 timova. Sistem turnira je sledeci: prvo ce se igrati GSL grupna faza a potom double elimination bracket. Turnir ce se odrzati 4 marta i trajat ce 3 dana. Prvi dan. -Group A - Bo1 -Group B - Bo1 -Group C - Bo1 -Group D - Bo1 Drugi dan -QuarterFinals - Bo3 -LB Quarterfinals - Bo1 -UP Semifinals - Bo3 -LB Semifinals - Bo1 treci dan -UP Finals - Bo3 -LB Finals - Bo1 -Consolidation Finals - Bo1 -Grand Finals - Bo5 (Team from Upper Bracket 1 map advantage) Kotizacija za ovaj turnir ce iznositi 25 eura po timu,a sledece nagrade ce biti: 16 timova (maksimalan broj timova) 1. mjesto - 200 € 2. mjesto - 100 € 3. mjesto - 50 € 12 timova 1st place - 150 euros 2nd place - 80 euros 3rd place - 50 euros 8 timova 1st place - 100 euros 2nd place - 50 euros 3rd place - 30 euros Turnir je otvoren za sve EU timove. Za vise informacije mozete pogledati na http://www.balkanpremiership.xyz
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