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Problem sa dodavanjem kartice za plaćanje na Guglu

vlada adamovic

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Meni taj problem traje već godinu dana, pretpostavljam da je do regiona - verovatno je bio neki on/off momenat kao sa PayPalom i izbagovalo se.

Vodim mali rat sa Google supportom i podsećam ih na problem svako malo, ali ne vidim da ih uopšte zanima da nađu rešenje.

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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Meni taj problem traje već godinu dana, pretpostavljam da je do regiona - verovatno je bio neki on/off momenat kao sa PayPalom i izbagovalo se.

Vodim mali rat sa Google supportom i podsećam ih na problem svako malo, ali ne vidim da ih uopšte zanima da nađu rešenje.

isto kao i ovi drugi - čitao sam neke threadove pre neki dan, ono su takvi generički odgovori u fazonu "fu zabole nas" da je to neviđeno.

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Ja imam isti problem, negde pre Novu godinu sam kontaktirao live chat podršku posle čega sam razmenio nekolicinu mailova s njihovom podrškom, na kraju mi se javila neka supervizorka pre neki dan s konstatacijom da je za sada jedino rešenje da otvorim novi Google Wallet nalog što je poprilicno besmisleno jer mi taj Wallet i treba da bih kupio mesto na Google Drive, aplikacije za telefon i slično... Možda ako ih dovoljno ljudi bude smaralo i uspeju da reše nešto, ja sam posle konačnog, za mene nezadovoljavajuceg, odgovora tamo na svim mestima prijavio da mi to ništa nije pomoglo, da sam nezadovoljan podrškom i sl.

Mislim da je problem što nam se menjala država, jedan od ovih likova mi je tražio da promenim lokaciju, sada piše Srbija i Crna Gora, ali kad sam to pokušao je isto prslo nešto.

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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Isti slucaj, na drugom mobu, smarao support, zvali me iz suporta, brdo mailova da bi se zavrsilo na "we have forwarded your ticket to upper technical support, in the meantime try with a new account". Negde sam naleteo na podatak da se problem javlja kod ljudi koji su koristili TunelBear isl, da kupuju pre nego sto je market postao zvanicno dostupan. Ne znam koliko je to tacno

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  • 1 month later...

Proradili su payment optionsi na Play Store Appu!

Pristup sa desktopa i dalje daje one mrtve poruke i crashuje pri promeni prebivališta, ali sa telefona može My Account/Payment Options da se menja kartica.

Inače, problem je vezan za starije Google Wallet accounte, koji su pravljeni dok smo bili oznaka CS, a sada smo RS. Jebeni najgori support u istoriji.

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Samo da prijavim članstvo u klubu - istekla mi je prošla kartica sa kojom sam plaćao Gdrive i sada mi je istekao i ne mogu da ubacim novu.

Preko desktopa dobijam čuvenu poruku da trenutno imaju problem a preko Google Play na telefonu kad idem na dodavanje nove kartice pukne aplikacija :(

Kvaka je što imam neki legacy plan za drive koji ne bih želeo da menjam, pa ne znam kako će se sve završiti.

Naravno prvi kontakt sa podrškom mi je dao "Stefani" koja nije uspela da mi reši problem, pa mi se sad javio "Bred" koji je predložio da ispraznim keš i obrišem kukije (nije rekao da resetujem ruter though).

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Meni ističe ovog meseca, pa ću videti šta, zasad sam našao ovo smaranje:

1. instalirao TunnelBear i startovao sa US IP adesom
2. settings -> apps -> google play -> uninstall updates (posto poslednja verzija GP puca pri pokusaju da se doda nova kartica)
3. startovao GP, i odmah u settings dodao novu karticu, sa svim podacima i obavezno upisao zemlja SRBIJA (koristili smo americku debitnu karticu, ne znam da li sa ostalim radi)
4. iskljucio TB, kroz Chrome na racunaru: wallet.google.com
5. sada vise nisam mogao da pristupim spisku kartica, ali sam imao pristup AddressBooku. Tu sam postavio tu novu adresu kao Default
6. Et voila, Google Wallet i dalje prikazuje istu gresku, ali kad pokusate da produzite pretplatu na Gmail-u, pojavljuje se i nova kartica kao sredstvo placanja.

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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Ja sam stigao do ovde u komunikaciji, svaki mail mi se javi neki drugi iz supporta jer je prethodni "zauzet". Možda ću morati da koristim ovaj Pajin sistem ako se ovi ne smisle a izgleda da neće:

Thank you for your patience. 

I have received an update from my specialist about your issue. 

It looks like this particular one has effected many of our users and our engineers are aware of this. 

We have officially launched in Serbia, but the correct country code for the BLA is RS. Users who have the older CS country code aren't able to change it right now. We are working on getting this resolved at the earliest, however you have two options:

1) Wait and see if this will be resolved.

2) Create a new account and sign up with a BLA using the RS country code. 

I know how inconvenient this must be for you, especially when its impacting your work. I apologize for the inconvenience. 

Please reply to this email with your decision and I will take necessary action.

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Probajte rolbek za plej app i onda samo extend cc u My Account/Payment Options

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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Probajte rolbek za plej app i onda samo extend cc u My Account/Payment Options


pa ovo je ladno uspelo! fala pajo! Rolbek za app u mom slučaju da onaj neki generički Google Play, pa uđeš u njega pa ideš na Add Card i onda ne pukne. 

Potom odeš na wallet i tamo i dalje naravno ne radi payment methods ali kada odeš na taj payment koji nije prošao, bude nova kartica u dropdown i on je odmah prihvati i potom prođe uplata.

Sad se samo zentam da ovi iz supporta ne naprave neko sranje u međuvremenu.

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Ali genijalni su mi. Imam 5 mailova, 5 različitih ljudi:

"Thank you for contacting Google Support. This is a follow up email on what we have discussed over chat today. 

Scarlett F"


"Thanks for contacting Google support. My name's Brad, and I'll be helping you now, as Scarlett is currently unavailable."


"Thank you for writing back. My name's Sarah and I'll be helping you now, as Brad, is currently unavailable."


"Thanks for contacting Google support. My name's Zoey and I'll be helping you now, as Sarah is currently unavailable."

Naravno Zoji ima vrh odgovor:

The better that we understand this issue, the closer we get to a solution. Our engineers are aware of this problem and are working hard to resolve it.

As soon as I get more information from our engineers, I’ll send you a follow-up email. 

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Moji omiljeni su:

debugging involves the codes of the whole system

Google Payments services is a really big program

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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I tako onda ćeš da loše ocenis nesrecnike u supportu koji nisu niti krivi niti odgovorni, i onda su najebali. Ofc, onaj stvarno odgovoran će da dobije bonus 

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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